
The 5 Steps to Starting Your Social Media Plan for Insurance Agents

digital marketing May 04, 2022


    In order to stay ahead of the competition, insurance agents have begun using social media as a way to connect with potential and current clients. However, many agents feel unsure how to get started or where to go with what they currently have. Don't leave leads and prospects on the table. We will educate you on how to create a successful plan on your selected social platform.

Let Premier Insurance Contracts help you create an effective social media plan. Insurance agents need to consider their goals and what they want to achieve.

Pre-Step: Goals

Most social media users operate without a plan or clear goals. As a result, their content is often sporadic and all over the place. However, if you take the time to sit down and figure out your goals, you can create content and strategies that are much more likely to succeed.

Once you know what you want to achieve, you can create a plan for how social media can help you get there. For example, if your goal is to increase...

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5 Reasons an Insurance Agent Should Create Content with Artificial Intelligence

digital marketing Jan 10, 2022

Artificial Intelligence is a hot topic these days, and it seems like everyone and their mother is rushing to get the latest AI product for their company. But what does Artificial Intelligence mean for you as an insurance agent? Will it help or hurt your bottom line? What do you need to know before jumping into the fray of all things AI?


I can't answer those questions personally for you, but I can give you five reasons to start working with Artificial Intelligence to create your marketing content. Artificial Intelligence can be a new creative marketing strategy. As I will be referring to, Artificial Intelligence or AI is everywhere and includes things like the GPS on your smartphone, Netflix recommendations that pop up after you watch a movie, or your "For you Page" on your social media applications. AI is any software that tries to replicate human traits. In this specific case, we will be diving into the world of AI and Content Creation specifically for the modern insurance...

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The Power of Facebook Ads for Health Insurance Agents


Health Insurance agents are struggling to get new clients with the old methods of marketing like direct mail, radio ads, and telemarketing.

Facebook Ads are a powerful marketing tool for insurance agents. The American Institute of Digital Marketing team has been running Facebook Ads since 2016, and we've already helped many health insurance agents drive more leads into their businesses. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits and the power of using Facebook Ads to market your business.

First, let's answer a couple of basic questions:


How Do Facebook Ads Work?

Every day, millions of people are on Facebook. When you advertise with Facebook, you pay for your content to take up space on their platform, allowing your agency to be viewed and noticed by more people. That's because you can target specific people to different audiences based on their interests, location, demographics, and behaviors. You can also choose to show specific ads to people who are already...

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10 Digital Marketing Strategies that are working for Insurance Agents in 2021

10 Digital Marketing Strategies that are working for Insurance Agents in 2021

Becoming and flourishing as a Digital Insurance Agent is vital in 2021. With hundreds of ways to gain awareness, considerations, and the most critical, conversion. You might want to know what is working and what is the best marketing ideas for insurance agents.

At The American Institute of Digital Marketing, we focus most of our attention on our top 10 marketing ideas. We are constantly aiming to give our agents the most knowledgeable marketing strategy and the experience to back it up.

Each channel we use, we approach it based on the audience and the advantages it brings. We learn, develop and improve our techniques consistently. Our list of channels and ideas changes as the industry changes and advances, but for 2021 we feel these are the most important for Insurance Agents.

Please understand it would be overwhelming to do all of these at once, especially as an individual agent. Our level of...

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Why Digital Marketing for Insurance Professionals?


Why Digital Marketing for Insurance Professionals?

If you're an insurance professional and new to digital marketing, it may feel overwhelming to think about mastering all the online marketing tactics used.

I want to explain how this fantastic land of online marketing can only help you grow and bring you more revenue.

In the last couple of decades, the insurance industry has struggled to incorporate new technologies and online sales. But here at the American Institute of Digital Marketing, we were created by insurance professionals for insurance professionals.


What is Digital Marketing?


Digital marketing is the marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. You could use digital platforms such as search engines, social media, email, apps, and other websites, all in the efforts to obtain customers.



At the end of the day, the most relevant part of an insurance agent's job is to sell policies to customers, be they new or...

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