
The Power of Facebook Ads for Health Insurance Agents


Health Insurance agents are struggling to get new clients with the old methods of marketing like direct mail, radio ads, and telemarketing.

Facebook Ads are a powerful marketing tool for insurance agents. The American Institute of Digital Marketing team has been running Facebook Ads since 2016, and we've already helped many health insurance agents drive more leads into their businesses. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits and the power of using Facebook Ads to market your business.

First, let's answer a couple of basic questions:


How Do Facebook Ads Work?

Every day, millions of people are on Facebook. When you advertise with Facebook, you pay for your content to take up space on their platform, allowing your agency to be viewed and noticed by more people. That's because you can target specific people to different audiences based on their interests, location, demographics, and behaviors. You can also choose to show specific ads to people who are already...

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10 Digital Marketing Strategies that are working for Insurance Agents in 2021

10 Digital Marketing Strategies that are working for Insurance Agents in 2021

Becoming and flourishing as a Digital Insurance Agent is vital in 2021. With hundreds of ways to gain awareness, considerations, and the most critical, conversion. You might want to know what is working and what is the best marketing ideas for insurance agents.

At The American Institute of Digital Marketing, we focus most of our attention on our top 10 marketing ideas. We are constantly aiming to give our agents the most knowledgeable marketing strategy and the experience to back it up.

Each channel we use, we approach it based on the audience and the advantages it brings. We learn, develop and improve our techniques consistently. Our list of channels and ideas changes as the industry changes and advances, but for 2021 we feel these are the most important for Insurance Agents.

Please understand it would be overwhelming to do all of these at once, especially as an individual agent. Our level of...

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