10 Digital Marketing Strategies that are working for Insurance Agents in 2021

10 Digital Marketing Strategies that are working for Insurance Agents in 2021

Becoming and flourishing as a Digital Insurance Agent is vital in 2021. With hundreds of ways to gain awareness, considerations, and the most critical, conversion. You might want to know what is working and what is the best marketing ideas for insurance agents.

At The American Institute of Digital Marketing, we focus most of our attention on our top 10 marketing ideas. We are constantly aiming to give our agents the most knowledgeable marketing strategy and the experience to back it up.

Each channel we use, we approach it based on the audience and the advantages it brings. We learn, develop and improve our techniques consistently. Our list of channels and ideas changes as the industry changes and advances, but for 2021 we feel these are the most important for Insurance Agents.

Please understand it would be overwhelming to do all of these at once, especially as an individual agent. Our level of expertise gives us a unique sneak peek at the capabilities and advantages they carry and the benefits they offer.

Here are our top 10 choices and how we use them to market, we also include demographics and statistics* to help develop your target audience.


Facebook has 2.8 billion monthly active users, and the average user is spending more than 19 hours a month on Facebook; it's a must for all insurance agents. Facebook is one of the largest audiences that you can select for your next ad creation. We have put much work into developing great ads, pages, and content that have generated thousands of leads in return. We gain great insight in the Ads Manager, where we can see results to see what's working.

  • Facebook users are 1.19 billion female and 1.51 billion male.
  • Around seven-in-ten. adults (69%) use Facebook.
  • 75% of online users with an income of more than $75K are on Facebook.
  • Facebook's potential reach of advertising is 1.9 billion.


Instagram is a platform primarily known for photo and video sharing; this allows you to post your content and follow trends. With the new algorithm, changes likes are not as valuable as shares and saves. Many Insurance agents use Instagram to bring a more relaxed version of their content to their target audience. Facebook owns Instagram making Ads for Instagram incorporated into your Ad Manager account. Organic posts come with reporting for all business accounts; this will help you know what's working and what isn't.

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world. With the increasing desire for more straightforward, digestible content, video is a fantastic tool to share. We use this platform to create content that viewers find informative enough to comment, share, and, most of all, views. When we produce videos of any magnitude, and no matter what it is for, we upload them to our account.

Twitter consists of a feed that will show content, anything from pictures, videos, gifs, links, or memes, just as long as you don't go beyond the 280 character limit. Twitter is a unique marketing channel with enormous opportunities for brands looking for a new way to reach prospective customers. It's not yet full of business accounts, and it has maintained the authenticity that's lacking on other social media sites. With that being said, your organic post will go a long way than on different platforms.


LinkedIn amongst business owners, LinkedIn is reported to be the most popular social platform. LinkedIn has gradually emerged as one of the essential platforms for B2B marketers and companies. Not many social media come close to what LinkedIn offers your brand in terms of visibility, which creates a fantastic opportunity. LinkedIn also has a shortage of content, and this is an excellent problem for insurance agents that are content creators.

Snapchat allows users to send images or videos to friends; however, these messages will only last up to 24 hours before it disappears. It has also popularized the use of filters or lenses on photos that add visual effects to the picture or video. Augmented Reality is the future for advertising for the next generation. These are Snapchat's main attractions for their primary audience of Gen Z and Millennials.


Pinterest is a social networking platform that allows users to create virtual bulletin boards that can be public or private. Since the site has 200 million active monthly users, many entrepreneurs use Pinterest to create a business page that could boost sales, views, and business leads and resources. This gives agents a great advantage to create informational graphics or content on a relational topic.


TikTok has explosive growth in a very short time with over 2 billion users. TikTok uses short videos. TikTok offers many attractive advertising options that are more targeted and cheaper than Facebook, Google, Instagram, and other networks. So, advertisers and brands can get better ROI if they use TikTok for Business Marketing. With the audience growing away from just Gen Z and moving to expand to millennials and Gen X. Sometimes it can be intimidating to move forward with a marketing strategy that is new and not paved, but this also gives you the ability to be the first.




Email is the best overall return on investment for all of our marketing efforts. With the amount of work an insurance agent puts in, you are set to receive 42 times in return. Reports state that of all the email campaigns being sent, targeted emails and segmented list emails drive 36% of email marketing Return On Investment (ROI). What does this mean for you? Once you have a list generated by your other strategies that provide warm leads, the sale is just across the email marketing bridge.


  • Email is 40x more effective at acquiring customers than Facebook and Twitter combined.
  • 81% of small businesses rely on email as their primary customer acquisition channel, and 80% for retention.
  • The average open rate for a welcome email is 82%.
  • Personalized emails like these deliver 6x higher transaction rates
  • 18% of companies achieve ROI greater than $70 per $1 invested


Direct Mail is my final channel because I know how little credit it gets, but we have created way to send mailers with great success at our office. We send information to our generated leads from our digital marketing campaigns, retargeting them with specific content. We use Q.R. codes that direct customers to our landing page the same way a digital campaign would. These QR codes give us reports and feedback on scans and conversions. We want you to think strategically about what you wish the potential customer to do. Here are some ideas:

"Scan now to save 15% on your insurance."
"Get a free personal quote here."


  • 2% of direct mail recipients either read or scan the Mail they get.
  • Direct Mail requires 21% less cognitive effort to process than email.
  • 41% of Americans of all ages look forward to checking their Mail each day.




Our company offers weekly webinars to help educate insurance agents on Digital Marketing.


"Digital Marketing by Insurance Sales Professionals for Insurance Professionals"











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